How to Calculate After-Tax Real Rate of Return: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Dec 27, 2023 By Triston Martin

In the realm of investing, the real rate of return is a key metric that allows us to quantify the actual financial benefit of an investment after taking into account the impacts of inflation and taxes. It reflects the purchasing power your investment will yield in the future, providing a more accurate and realistic account than the nominal return. Having a clear understanding of how to calculate the after-tax real rate of return enables investors to make more informed and strategic decisions about their investments. In this step-by-step tutorial, we will walk you through the process of calculating this fundamental financial metric, shedding light on its significance and the ways it can influence your investment strategy.

Definition of 'Real Rate of Return'

The real rate of return is the actual percentage increase or decrease in the purchasing power of an investment over a specific period, after taking into account the effects of inflation. It is also known as the "inflation-adjusted" return. Essentially, it indicates how much your investment has actually grown when considering the impact of rising prices on your money.

Why Is Real Rate of Return Important?

The real rate of return is crucial to consider when evaluating an investment because it provides a more accurate picture of its performance. While nominal returns may seem impressive at first glance, they can be misleading if not adjusted for inflation. For example, if you invest $100 and receive a 5% nominal return over the year, but inflation was 3%, your actual purchasing power has only increased by 2%. On the other hand, if inflation was 7%, your real rate of return would be -2%, meaning you have actually lost purchasing power. This highlights the importance of factoring in inflation when assessing the true performance of an investment.

Calculating After-Tax Real Rate of Return

To calculate the after-tax real rate of return, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Determine the nominal rate of return: This is the percentage increase or decrease in the value of your investment before considering taxes and inflation.
  2. Find the tax rate on your investment earnings: Depending on the type of investment and your individual tax situation, this may vary. For example, if you have a savings account, your interest earnings will be taxed at your marginal tax rate.
  3. Calculate the after-tax nominal rate of return: This is the nominal rate of return minus the tax paid on your investment earnings. For example, if you earned a 5% nominal return and were taxed at 20%, your after-tax nominal rate of return would be 4% (5% - 20% = 4%).
  4. Determine the inflation rate: This is the percentage increase in prices over the period of your investment.
  5. Calculate the after-tax real rate of return: This is the after-tax nominal rate of return divided by one plus the inflation rate, all raised to the power of time (usually expressed in years). For example, if your after-tax nominal return was 4% and inflation was 3%, your after-tax real rate of return would be (4% / (1 + 3%)^1) = 0.97%.
  6. Repeat the calculation for multiple years: If your investment spans over several years, repeat the last step for each year and take the average to get a more accurate estimate of the after-tax real rate of return.

Practical Example

Let's say you invested $10,000 in a stock that yielded a 8% nominal return over the course of two years. You were taxed at a rate of 25%, and inflation was 2% during this time period. To calculate your after-tax real rate of return, you would follow these steps:

  1. Determine the nominal rate of return: In this case, it is 8%.
  2. Find the tax rate on your investment earnings: As mentioned, it is 25% in this example.
  3. Calculate the after-tax nominal rate of return: This would be 8% - (8% x 25%) = 6%.
  4. Determine the inflation rate: In this example, it is 2%.
  5. Calculate the after-tax real rate of return: (6% / (1 + 2%)^1) = 3.92%
  6. Repeat the calculation for multiple years: If we assume that the same conditions remain unchanged in year two, your after-tax real rate of return for the second year would also be 3.92%. Taking the average of these two years, your after-tax real rate of return for this investment would be approximately 3.92%.

Tips for accurately calculating the After-Tax Real Rate of Return

  • Be sure to use consistent units of time when calculating your after-tax real rate of return. For example, if inflation is reported in annual terms, make sure the nominal rate of return and investment period are also expressed in years.
  • Consider any additional fees or expenses associated with your investment that may impact your after-tax real rate of return.
  • Remember that taxes and inflation rates may vary year to year, so it's essential to recalculate your after-tax real rate of return periodically for a more accurate assessment.


The after-tax real rate of return is an essential metric in evaluating the true performance of an investment. By factoring in inflation and taxes, this calculation provides a more accurate estimate of the actual growth in purchasing power from you investment. It is crucial for investors to understand how to calculate this metric in order to make informed and strategic decisions about their investments. So, it's important to regularly review and recalculate your after-tax real rate of return to ensure you are making the most out of your investments. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can confidently assess the true performance of your investments and make more informed investment decisions. Remember, it's not just about nominal returns, but also considering the impact of inflation on your money.

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